Investment is a Necessary Risk

If you ask many people what is keeping them from taking advantage of wealth creation opportunities, they’ll tell you that “Investment is a risk” and that they don’t want to lose their hard earned money…

Really… Investment is RISKY!

But tell me, what on earth isn’t?

*Getting married is RISKY

*Staying unmarried is RISKY

*Having children is RISKY

*Getting a job is RISKY

*Keeping the job is RISKY

*Getting out of the job is RISKY

*Starting a business is RISKY

*Investing your money is RISKY

*Trying new things is RISKY

*Not trying new things is RISKY *Getting RICH is RISKY

*Staying POOR is RISKY

*Meeting new people is RISKY *Leaving alone is RISKY

*Utilizing Opportunity is a Risk

*Rejecting Opportunity because of doubt is RISKY

*Everything is RISKY

If you think investing is too risky, then wait until you are handed the bill for not investing.

In fact, life is full of so much risk that no one even has the chance to get out ALIVE ??. Then what are you afraid of?

Robert Kiyosaki said that the real risk lies in the Investor, not the Investment. If you are not Financially Literate enough, then even a good opportunity will turn out to be a disaster for you.

To minimize Investment risks, be Financially Intelligent!

See also: Are You Building Wealth for Others?

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